Tag Archive | M&Ms

M&Ms builds anticipation bubble for Superbowl Spot

Mars is breaking the newest trend of Superbowl advertisers and is Not going to release its M&Ms 30-second spot early for added social media buzz.

The recent AdAge article by EJ Schultz quotes the company as saying:

“We are continuing with what we call our surprise-and-delight approach,” said Mr. Benin, the chief consumer officer for Mars Chocolate North America. “There’s that first-time, premier reveal [in game] that we believe is compelling.”

I think its a great way to keep the tradition of the anticipation of seeing what the best creative minds in the industry have to offer… or at least believe were the best ideas for this particular seasonal event.

I loved last year’s reveal of Ms Brown and have been recently laughing every time the seduction of Mr Red from the party… all due to a little revenge from Ms B.

Can’t wait to see what BBDO, New York and will run in the first quarter.

What was your favorite M&Ms Superbowl TV spot?